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Caring for Life Born and Unborn

Birthline/Lifeline Centers

The Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy Care Program promotes the sanctity of life and offers pregnancy care services at its pregnancy care center locations. Services are offered free of charge to all clients who meet basic criteria. At the pregnancy care centers, women coping with an unplanned pregnancy can access compassionate counseling regarding adoption, alternatives to pregnancy terminations and more. When a client who is abortion-minded sees her baby with an ultrasound, she has a change of heart and chooses life!

Below is a list of services we provide through our three pregnancy care centers: 

  • Free ultrasounds and pregnancy testing
  • Prenatal care referrals
  • Pro-life education
  • Abortion alternative counseling
  • Adoption referrals
  • Parenting Classes
  • Fertility Awareness Education
  • Material assistance
  • Assistance may include maternity clothes, baby apparel and layettes. When available, car seats, strollers, cribs, baby food, formula and diapers are provided.
  • 24-Hour Support Hotline for clients: 561-278-0880

Clients are provided with contact information and necessary documentation for Medicaid/medical coverage, referrals and other available services within the county and/or Catholic Charities.

Find a Pregnancy Care Center location

View/download our Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy Care Centers brochure 

Other programs of the Birthline/Lifeline Ministry include our Adoption Project, Speakers Guild and Style for Life. We also have a partnership with several local schools to provide internships for students studying to become nurses or ultrasound technicians. Please click on the links on the left side of this page to learn more about our additional programs.


Support Birthline/Lifeline

You can support our program by attending Birthline/Lifeline’s annual events such as our Walk-a-thon.  Please view our Events Calendar for more information on these events. 

Please call to drop off donated new or gently used baby items at our Boynton Beach 561-738-2060 or West Palm Beach 561-282-1467 locations.

Service and training opportunities are provided for those who wish to volunteer. We also have a ministry donation “Wish List” containing materials needed for clients. Click here to view our list. To volunteer, please contact our Volunteer Services

Catholic Medical Association

Because physicians need a support group to adopt Church teaching and go "Pro-Life" with their patients, there is a chartered guild of The Catholic Medical Association within the Diocese of Palm Beach. Membership is open to physicians, nurses and lay people.

As the need for medical ethics and clarity on Catholic teaching for health care and the preservation of the sanctity of human life continues to escalate, forming a chapter of like minded physicians and medical professionals is a powerful way to serve the culture and maintain and affirm a "Culture of Life" mentality. 

Birthline/Lifeline  recommends membership in the CMA, however, the Palm Beach Physicians CMA Guild is not a Catholic Charities Program. For more information about the guild, please email us

For more information, please email Felix Rodriguez M.D. at Palm Beach Physicians CMA Guild, or use our Helpful Links web page.

Our Birthline Lifeline Program is proud to be supported by the following partners
