Volunteers participate in Prison Ministry in the following ways:
Priests celebrate Mass, hear Confessions, provide spiritual counseling and administer the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Sacrament of the Sick to inmates.
Religious Sisters and Brothers assist at Mass, if certified, administer the Eucharist to inmates, conduct Communion Services, prayer meetings and Bible discussion sessions. They also provide spiritual counseling in the absence of a priest or deacon.
Deacons assist at Mass and in the absence of a priest preside at Communion Services, facilitate Bible Studies, and provide spiritual counseling. They also administer the Sacrament of Baptism.
Lay Ministers assist at Mass and in the absence of a priest and as commissioned by their pastor may preside at a Communion Service and facilitate Bible discussions. Where appropriate, they bring the Eucharist to inmates and provide spiritual counseling.