What is Respite Care?
More and more of us are caring for aging and disabled loved ones in their, or our home. Families typically prefer to keep their loved one in the comfort of their home for as long as possible. Caregiving is stressful. Sometimes the caregiver needs time off from the extraordinary, intensive demands of providing ongoing care in the home. Respite care allows caregivers to take care of their own personal responsibilities in order to be the best caregiver they can be. This is where respite care is helpful. It provides caregivers with the break they need, while ensuring their loved one is receiving the compassionate attention they deserve. Respite care reduces hospital costs by avoiding or delaying out-of-home placement, decreases possible abuse and neglect, and supports family stability and well-being.

Catholic Charities Respite Services:
Catholic Charities Respite Services provide planned respite care for caregivers in their home in order to strengthen and stabilize families. Respite care involves a brief relief or rest of 2-3 hours per week for the caregiver. Respite Services provides caregivers with "the gift of a temporary rest and related support", from caregiving. The service supports, educates, and strengthens caregivers, enabling them to continue to provide quality care in the home.
The program's primary client is the caregiver, with the care receiver a secondary client. The program serves caregivers of adults with chronic health conditions for aging, disabled or cognitive conditions residents who are no longer safe to be left alone of St. Lucie County. Services are provided to anyone in need regardless of religion.
Catholic Charities Respite care program follows “Faith Community Nursing” (FCN) standards focusing on spiritual health and the nursing interventions of education, counseling, advocacy, referral, and utilization of community resources.
While respite services are offered by medically trained volunteers, medical or indirect medical care is not provided. The desired outcome of respite services is to decrease the caregiver's stress and anxiety, and to improve/increase the caregiver's knowledge of self-care, and use of community resources.
Respite Care Program services include:
- 2-3 hour per week in-home respite companionship
- Wellness assessment by the Respite Nurse Coordinator
- A Plan of Care for outlining caregiving goals
- Health education and promotion
- Information and referrals to available community resources
- Powerful Tools for Caregivers course
Powerful Tools for Caregivers Course:
Catholic Charities supports and sponsors the Powerful Tools for Caregiver's class for the community. This evidence-based 6-week program provides caregivers with the tools and strategies to better handle the unique challenges that come with being a caregiver.
For our calendar of upcoming classes, click here.
Respite Volunteers:
Catholic Charities is in need of compassionate, loving CNA's, LPN's, and RN's wishing to use their skills and make a difference in the lives of vulnerable caregivers. Criteria to volunteer for our Respite Care program includes a licensed CNA/LPN/RN with personal liability insurance (annual deductible reimbursed by Catholic Charities) and the completion of Catholic Charities background screening. Various trainings are also offered to volunteers.